Archive for January, 2009

Rapping to Joaquin Part #3 The final chapter

Posted in Joaquin Phoenix with tags , on January 27, 2009 by joaquinrafaelphoenix

Joaquin Phoenix

To say that I’m tired of all the mumbo jumbo surrounding Joaquin Phoenix’s excursion into the Rap music world, would be a gross understatement. For the past two weeks, ever since the story broke I’ve spent my time cruising the halls of denial, worry and anger. All because I’ve let others influence my thoughts. Loving Joaquin as I do, it’s been hard to keep my head. I don’t want to hear negative things about him, I don’t want him to quit acting and the jury’s still out on this whole rap thing. But after letting myself go a little crazy, I’ve come to what will be my final conclusion. No matter what Joaquin decides to do, No matter what people say, Joaquin has to follow his own heart and the decision is ultimately his to make. If he’s happy, then I’m happy. I will love this man and support all his endeavors because I’m convinced he’s worth it and ultimately, that is my decision to make. Nothing else really figures into it. And Joaquin, if your listening, Never retract, never explain, never apologize. Just do this thing and let em’ howl!!!

Giving Credit, where credit is due

Posted in Uncategorized on January 23, 2009 by joaquinrafaelphoenix

I just wanted to give a shout out to a person that deserves it, My sound board, critic and best friend T.R.. Thank you for making Joaquin look good and making it possible for me to just come here and rap. You stand out in a crowd!

Rap it up, I’ll take it, Or: Rapping to Joaquin Part 2

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on January 23, 2009 by joaquinrafaelphoenix

He’s out of his mind, he’s on drugs, he’s delusional, he’s going to kill himself. While all good reasons to sing Rap music, probably not what Joaquin Phoenix was going for with his venture into all things Hip-Hop. Discontented, disenchanted and bored with his fame, more likely and scaring people who don’t know him. In the latest video he falls off of a stage in Las Vegas. Isn’t Casey Affleck filming Joaquins escapades? Do you really think he’d be filming his demise? Although ya gotta wonder where he was while Joaquin was falling off stages. Now I could cruise down the river of denial and argue that the lights were in his eyes or perhaps the lack of response from the crowd made him nervous. But it doesn’t change the fact that Bill O’reilly named him the pinhead of the week. But people will call anyone doing something unexpected a pinhead. This is news! Type “Joaquin Phoenix rapping” into a search engine, there’s pages on it. Cmon people! Is this really that thought provoking? Just wish the man well already and quit treating him like sniveling, jealous 3rd grade assholes. If Joaquin has a thick skin and intended to start tongues wagging, well Bravo- he’s done it. Let’s hope his C.D. gets as much exposure, he’ll be a success. But if he is in need of some kind of healing and really is spiraling, all the negativity isn’t going to help. I hope the ne’r do wells will all line up to share in the shame as they have in the taunting.

Rapping To Joaquin

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on January 21, 2009 by joaquinrafaelphoenix

joaquinphoenixrapI have never been a fan of Rap music. Okay, TLC has a couple of songs I like, same with Salt N Pepa and P. Diddy’s rendition of “Every Breath You Take.” His tribute to Notoriuos B.I.G. makes me tear up. But as a rule the music is generally too vulgur, too abusive and too in your face for me. But now the man that I love wants to do it!

Don’t get me wrong, I will always support Joaquin Phoenix’s right to do something. When it comes to him, I’m a goner. Everything about this man, from the sound of his voice to the way he combs his hair (or doesn’t!) gets me. But white people rapping? Is this a recipe for disaster? Wasn’t anything learned from Vanilla Ice? Alcohol had to be invented to keep us from looking like fools on the dance floor. But there’s not enough alcohol in the world to make white people rap well.

When I went searching this net we call the web for the rumored “Joaquin Phoenix rap” video, I was in denial. I couldn’t believe Joaquin would venture down that path. But it seems Joaquin’s mantra is keep them guessing. The man is not predictable and that is for sure. I watched the video, probably five times and I’m still guessing. Guessing at what he was even saying, guessing at what idiot told him to wear that hat, and guessing at where his head is right now. I have always said, I may not understand what you’re doing, but I will defend ’til the end your right to do it. If what Joaquin wants to do is rap, I’ll get behind him. I’m not sure how far back behind him. But I’ll be there!

Suddenly, I have to poop

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on January 16, 2009 by joaquinrafaelphoenix

joaquin phoenix

Bare with me, I have to get this out. There has been much talk and speculation on Joaquin Phoenix’s recent abandonment of the moving picture profession, and while I do sympathize with those who mourn the loss of his exposure, I do not buy into this belligerent ,drug induced haze some people are trying to back him into . Now while I would never claim to know what motivates this man, I rest assured knowing that something does! Let’s examine the facts,- alright- the facts as I see them. On October 27th 2008, Jerry Penacoli accosted Joaq and Casey Affleck at a Paul Newman benefit, neither one of these guys looked like interview fodder. It looked to me like a “let’s slip in and have some fun” kind of night, not a tux and talk kind of affair. Mr. Penacoli unknowingly walked into an avalanche of hurt by sticking a microphone in Joaquin’s face while biding time until his idea of a bigger hit showed up. I think what he got, he deserved. Joaquin Phoenix is not stupid. I’ve seen enough live interviews that he was prepared for to get an idea of what makes him tick. He knew Mr. Extra took it upon himself to fill some down time in the celebrity lalapalooza with a little Joaquin Phoenix; Joaquin gave it to him, and in spades. Unfortunately the powers that be sent an extra pawn who was smiling and wondering why he was suddenly thrust on the red carpet with a microphone and Mr. Penacoli’s grip on the situation slipped, and with all due respect to Joaquin, I remember less of what he said and more of the interviewers blatant disregard on handling an exclusive. He couldn’t have said, “Mr. Phoenix I work for this fricking network and something like this could make or break my career and we all have to eat, so please tell me are you serious or is this just another frog on your head”? Nope, instead he laughed. Big Mistake! Danger Will Robinson mistake! What happened to respect? Could he have handled it any worse? This incident didn’t say much for his interview skills, or, for his people skills for that matter! He wouldn’t have had to bombard Casey with “Is he serious” questions if he had just cut to the chase. No wonder Joaquin got pissed. When I went back on the internet looking for the piece so that I could write this brilliant deduction, I got pissed off when I watched it again. Anybody who knows anything about Joaquin knows that he quit acting once before. There were seven years between Parenthood and To Die For. He has stated in interviews that he didn’t want to act forever. I believed him. Why didn’t anyone else? Joaquin has never been Mr. Hollywood. Does he need validation? Sure, doesn’t everybody? But does everyone seek it in the same way? Of course not. He saw acting as a job. Maybe he felt he got out of it all that he was going to get. If your neighborhood Baker gets tired of bread and sells the bakery to become a lawyer, does it make him a drug addict? Nah, just means he wants to try something else. Why should Joaquin be any different? Okay, he’s an actor, many of us hold this position in high regard. Actors are paid 10 times as much for one movie than people in professions that put their lives on the line daily, make in a year. The money, the fame, the parties, the kiss asses…..looks ideal to some. Why would anyone ever quit? Why indeed? The money, the fame, the parties, the kiss asses. Music isn’t really that much of a stretch is it? Musicians are known for imperfections, heck an unruly musician is almost expected. If Joaquin doesn’t want to shave today or wants to let his hair grow out a little (which, personally I like!) or wants to actually eat something, his vocation doesn’t dictate his appearance as much and the need to be picture perfect at all times isn’t relevant. Who cares what whoever looked like at 3:00 a.m. when he recorded the c.d. playing on your stereo? Not me, I just want it to sound good. I believe Joaquin’s c.d. will be a good one. Hopefully he won’t change his mind about music now, I’m psyched for this, and from what the consensus is saying it sounds like he’ll fit right in! Good for you Joaquin, you blew em right out of the water again. Maybe Joaquin Phoenix isn’t just an actor after all!

Claim dis

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on January 14, 2009 by joaquinrafaelphoenix

normal_joaqneu4hy1Before I get into my favorite subject, I’m going to make a disclaimer of sorts. As my friend would say, it is the fool who gives Miranda a blog. For future reference, all you need to know is if there is a soapbox somewhere, I’ll be on it eventually. I am very opinionated about and almost relatively protective of Joaquin Phoenix. Not that he needs the defending mind you, but rather that I do. For some as yet unknown reason I think I get this guy (Heaven help me? Maybe!?) therefore I must vent, and I will…at length. So if you ever refer a new victim (sorry T.R., it stays!) to this blog, you may want to direct them here first. But I’ll warn you now, it’s the closest thing to an explanation that they and you, are ever going to get!